Andrew Maynard Architects

The core principles in the establishment of Melbourne-based Andrew Maynard Architects in 2002, was a balance between built projects and broad polemical design studies. AMA specialises in ideas rather than building type, whether the project be a house in Fitzroy, a library in Japan, or a suburb-eating robot. All of AMA’s designs are concept-rich, left of centre and sustainably conscious.
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Vader House
Fitzroy, 2008
The Vader House is an extension to a Victorian terrace in the dense inner-city. The high boundary walls, built in disregard of existing height regulations long before such rules were created, permitted a non-standard height along the northern boundary. The roofline then abruptly turns to follow the dictated set-back lines, resulting in a playful and telling interpretation of planning rules. All the new works surround an outdoor courtyard space which becomes the new centre of the house- accessed

Barrow House
Brunswick, 2008
The Barrow extension appears as an arrangement of timber boxes, each independently rotated and subjected to varying amounts of extruding and manipulating forces. These separate actions result in a variety of shapes, which united, create an interior of differing volumes and organizations, providing an interesting double story addition to this weatherboard house. The extension challenges the traditional nature of timber construction. Normally lightweight and fragile, added wall thickness to diff