
Archipelago is a new architecture and urban design practice founded by leading Brisbane based urban design figure Peter Edwards and architect Brendan Pointon. With a focus on Architecture and City Making, Archipelago services major government, institutional, and private sector clients. Archipelago is a unifying idea that allows islands of emergent thinking to come together, to cooperate and collaborate, to coalesce and condense under the leadership of confident design thinkers. As a metaphor, Archipelago reminds us to be romantic, adventurous, and of the world.
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2018 Commonwealth Games Bid – Village Masterplan
Gold Coast, Australia, 2011
Archipelago was commissioned by the 2018 Commonwealth Games Bid Company at the beginning of 2011 to review and re-propose the bid’s Games Village Masterplan. The Masterplan draws on the many constraints of the site as opportunities for a successful place – for a strongly structured collection of connected uses robustly proposed within a pattern of people focused streets, plazas, places and parklands. The masterplan makes strong overtures to the legacy of the Games Village, including the subsequent structuring of the Health and Knowledge Precinct. Most importantly the Masterplan looks to maximize synergy with the adjoining Hospital, University and collocated infrastructure by accommodating complimentary uses to connect and integrate across what was once thought of as boundaries to the site. It strives to complete the tripartite catalyst of Health, Knowledge and Industry through the delivery of a lifestyle focused, transit facilitated place for living, working and learning. The Archipelago prepared masterplan has been adopted as the preferred masterplan for the bid.

Alyangula Township Masterplan
Groote Eylandt, NT, 2010
The Alyangula Masterplan utilises the recent capital works expansion of BHP’s Groote Eylandt manganese mining operation to catalyse the long overdue revitalisation of the Alyangula Township. The masterplan focuses on a fabric of public realm improvements that re-stich the residential precincts and reconnect the life of the township to Alyangula’s best asset – its spectacular tropical waterfront setting. The proposal for the town centre organises relocated and adapted barracks buildings into a retail and commercial strip running along the community spine to establish a more compact town frame. The existing degraded FIFO camp in the centre of town is decanted to a new, purpose designed FIFO ‘village’, adjacent the town’s golf course; allowing the town centre to be revitalised through a new compact, flexible housing typology to provide a much improved town core and a more robust accommodation spectrum to meet the new challenges of workforce and rostering diversity. Ultimately the aim of the Alyangula masterplan was to ensure that through the quality of the built environment, Alyangula would present as a destination of choice for employees in the resources sector.

Sherwood Residential Development
Brisbane, QLD, 2010
The Sherwood Residential Development proposes a dense re-occupation of a domestic residential allotment adjacent to Sherwood train station.The project proposes a mix of medium density residential types whilst retaining and reinvigorating an existing character residence. A particular challenge was to deliver a sustainable density whilst achieving the pragmatics of layout, circulation, siting and the retention of significant existing vegetation. In addition this project tests an evolution of the vertically integrated, compact housing typologies that were developed for the City Planning- Built Form Review and the River City Blueprint ‘ Compact Housing Study. We hope to evidence the success of this approach to compact infill and small lot housing through the construction of this innovative residential design.