Tim Penny Architecture + Interiors Pty Ltd

Tim Penny Architecture + Interiors Pty Ltd
187 Liverpool Street HOBART TAS 7000 Australia
Tim Penny Architecture + interiors is Tasmania newest statewide practice. Commencing in 2009 with a philosophy of design excellence and quality service, our expertise is design, attention to detail and client value within a sustainable design frame work. TPA+i services include architecture, interior design and project management. We offer coordinated built environment services including graphic design, landscape architecture, planning, engineering, environmental services, acoustics and exhibition design.
Driving directions to Tim Penny Architecture + Interiors Pty Ltd on map
Phone: 0362315655Fax0362314530
E-mail: info@timpennyarchitecture.com
Website: timpennyarchitecture.com
Tim Penny Architecture + Interiors Pty Ltd on Google Maps

Lexus Centre
Hobart, 2010
New Lexus showroom

Summerdale Primary School Redevelopment
Launceston, Tasmania, 2011
New GLA, New Admin extension and Performing Arts Building refurbishment

Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre
Burnie, Tasmania, 2011
New Community Health & Well Being Centre