Fotoulla Lazaridis Architect

Providing high level of personal service for Client including: Pre purchase advice, Feasibility studies, Guidance to formulate a realistic brief; Commitment to providing custom designed solutions, Considered response to Client’s brief; Drawing on long-standing relationships with consultants for fully co-ordinated project; Solid negotiating skills and experience in working through problematic issues; Communicating and co-ordinating with builders throughout construction maintaining continuity for time constraints of the builder’s schedule; Observation and monitoring building works in progress; Sharing a vision to meet Client’s aspirations, budget and future aims;
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New Child Care Centre
Sylvania, 2007
New Child Care Centre accommodating 39 children.

New Medical Centre
Crows Nest, 2011
New Medical Centre.

New Child Care Centre
Southern Shire, Sydney, 2007
New two storey Child Care Centre accommodating 39 children.