David Baillie Architect

Rising energy costs and the sustainability of our planet are issues which are very closely linked and affect everyone, everywhere. Together these two issues have prompted governments, large and small businesses, and individual home owners to become more conscious of the environment we all share and the energy we all waste needlessly. With this thought in mind, our goal at David Baillie Architect is to seamlessly combine innovative design with outstanding energy efficiency to enhance lifestyle, save money and help protect our environment.
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Roseville House
Roseville, 2010
This federation style house faces west which made it extremely hot in summer and cold in winter. It also had an existing swimming pool in the backyard which greatly restricted maneuverability for any renovation work. However, these obstacles did not stop David Baillie Architect from designing an energy efficient home which has delighted its owner. The renovation has moved the kitchen and created an additional bedroom plus an alfresco dining area. The design featured long eves over the eating area to provide shade in summer and opened up the north side to provide sun in winter.