MOS Architects

MOS Architects is a design practice committed to the realisation of contemporary buildings that respond to the challenges of the urban landscape and the requirements of the modern Australian lifestyle. Drawing on the range of skills and experience of its professional team, we work in close consultation with our clients to achieve the best possible outcome for each project. Our design vision is based on function, context, climate, sustainability and design integrity, and is expressed in a contemporary language inspired by paramount design principles combined with the latest technology.
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Deutscher Forrest Residence
Thornbury, 2007
Double storey extension to existing 2 bedroom weatherboard single storey home, providing 3 bedrooms, 1 study, bathroom, laundry, en-suite, kitchen, and open plan living area. The clients purchased the vacant lot east of the existing building and over time have developed a mature landscaped garden. The building engages with this landscape by presenting the open plan living and kitchen to the east and by proving a balcony off the master bedroom which further benefits from its North-Eastern aspect. The open plan living concept is consolidated by the use of a new stair situated at the main entrance, which gently ascends into a double height void, terminating at an open plan study arrangement. This space becomes the canvas for ever changing light variations due to the high level corner windows, stair well skylight, and the void light well. The strategic position of openings promoting air flow, high ceilings, radial sawn timber, window shading devices, highly insulated building envelope, evaporative cooling, hydronic heating, solar heat pump generators for hot water, and rainwater tanks ensure this building is an energy efficient solution which fully engages with it’s natural context and minimises it’s impact on the environment.

Brickmakers Arms Redevelopment
Essendon, 2011
The development comprises of 3 subject sites, situated in a prominent position on the Eastern side of Mt Alexander Road, Essendon, Victoria. An Architectural language is derived from the inclination to create three separate identities for each site, but ensure a link within the finer grain of materiality and detailing. Response to aspect is integrally incorporated into the design by means of appropriate overhangs, shading, and recessive elements. In particular, it is proposed that an operable louvered facade to the Northern elevation of the Brickmakers arms building not only provides an environmentally responsive solution, but presents an ever changing building façade to the Southern approach along Mt Alexander Road. All apartments have been designed with a lower yield, higher quality mentality, providing high levels of amenity, and generous living and external spaces. The master planning ensures appropriate massing and regenerates a currently dilapidated building and under used site. The focused Mt Alexander streetscape and connections to Allison Park consolidates the site and street, and celebrates the Brickmakers Arms building as a key focal for the community by re-instating it as a meeting point and place of leisure.

Eco Office Building
Tullamarine, 2008
The ECO Building is a commercial facility located in Tullamarine, close to Melbourne International Airport, and was completed in mid-2008. The building consists of an extensive open showroom and display suites at Ground Floor level. Office facilities are located over 3 levels, oriented around a central atrium which provides natural light and ventilation to the interior of the building. Car parking is provided at both basement and roof levels. The building incorporates extensive environmental design features, including rain water recycling, energy efficient lighting and air conditioning, solar treated glazing and sun shading of windows. Recycled materials include concrete components and internal timber stairs and landings. A fully automated ventilation system has been designed and incorporated, which draws outside air through the offices and into the central atrium via roof mounted fans. This reduces the demand for mechanical air conditioning, saving precious energy resources and reducing the carbon footprint of the building.